As a general rule we are all practicing Hatha Yoga.

Shiva has described 8,400,000 Asanas which represent the number of species of living creatures including in the Universe.

From these 8,400,000 asana only 84 where recognised has been perfect.

From the 84 asanas only 32 where found useful for mankind in the world.

Here are listed the 32 Asana from Hatha Yoga Pradeepika or Gheranda Samhita:

  1. Siddhasana
  2. Padmasana
  3. Bhadrasana
  4. Muktasana
  5. Vajrasana
  6. Svastikasana
  7. Simhasana
  8. Gomukhasana
  9. Virasana
  10. Dhanurasana
  11. Mritasana
  12. Guptasana
  13. Matsyasana
  14. Matsyendrasana
  15. Gorakhsana
  16. Paschimottanasana
  17. Utkatasana
  18. Sankatasana
  19. Mayurasana
  20. Kukkutasana
  21. Kurmasana
  22. Uttana Kurmasana
  23. Mandukasana
  24. Uttana Mandukasana
  25. Vrikshasana
  26. Garudasana
  27. Vrishasana
  28. Shalabasana
  29. Makarasana
  30. Ustrasana
  31. Bhujangasana
  32. Yogasana

(Source: Isha Sadhguru and this awesome article from Elephant Journal)

Therefore it is easy to conclude that we are all practicing the same Yoga. Only the way or manner of teaching differ.

In all asana practice we are practicing Vinyasa. Please read my article about what is Vinyasa Yoga.

In all different yoga « style » or Asana practice (this term will be more appropriate) we have Hatha Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yin Yoga, Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga has not been created by Patanjali. The series has been written by Sri Pattabhi Jois.

However Patanjali has codified the Yoga Sutra which are known as the 8 limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga), as well Ayruveda and the Sanskrit Grammar.

Looking deeply toward the practice of the Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa we can easily conclude that Sri Pattabhi Jois has been directly inspired from his Master Sri Krishnamacharya.

Sri Krishnamacharya is the one who developped the Vinyasa Krama. The origin of « Krama »  means « succession ».

We start from ONE asana and we practice it in all possible way.

The best example will be the Lotus Sequence:

  1. Ardha Padmasana
  2. Ardha Padmasana
  3. Ardha  Baddha Padmasana
  4. Ardha Baddha Padmasana Paschimottanasana
  5. Vasistasana
  6. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  7. Ardha Matsyendrasana 2
  8. Ardha Baddha Purvotasanana
  9. Padmasana
  10. Parvatsana
  11. Bhadrasana 1
  12. Bhadrasana 2 avec les bandhas
  13. Laghu Yoga Mudra
  14. Utpluti Yoga Mudra
  15. Parshva Laghu Yoga Mudra
  16. Badha Padmasana
  17. Yoga Mudrasana
  18. Parshva Yoga Mudrasana
  19. Urdhva Mukha Padmasana
  20. Supta Padmasana
  21. Matsyendrasana
  22. Matsyendrasana 2
  23. Urdhva Padmasana
  24. Akuncita Urdhva Padmasana (
  25. Pindasana
  26. Urdhva Padmasana avec un twist
  27. Urdhva Padmasana avec un twist plus intense
  28. Bent back upward lotus

See the sequence below.


Vinyasa Krama sequences are following the logic of the body, it is an organic practice covering Asymmetric seated, Seated posterior stretch, on one leg, Supine, Bow, Triangle, Inverted, Meditative, Lotus, Visesha, Winding down procedures.

Therefore the Vinyasa Krama is not at all the learning of the Vinyasa Counting.

Please note that Vinyasa count is not only happening during the Ashtanga Yoga Series but also during a Hatha Yoga class. Each movement has his own pattern such as Ekam (1) – Inhale, Dwe (2) – Exhale, Trini (3) Inhale and so on.

Have a good Practice!
