The Marichyasana series goes until H.

Generally A, B, C and D are the most practiced.

Level: Advanced

Family: Seated yoga pose, twisting, hips and shoulders opening.

For traditional Ashtanga Yoga vinyasa practice, this asana is one for the major key. If you are not binding, the practice should stop there, until you are capable of doing it fully.

There is a variation for people who can not do the half padmasana, consisting of bringing the right heel toward the right sit bone. The right foot will be placed in front of the left ankle.

How to Marichyasana D

From Dandasana, bring the left knee in half lotus. Left foot toward the right groin.

Step 1 Marichyasana D

Bend at the right leg and bring the right heel aligned with the right sit bone.

Step 2 – Marichyasana D

Lifting fully the right sit bone, bring the left knee toward the floor.

Step 3 – Marichyasana D

Once the base is well grounded, rise the left arm up, round your back and wrap the left arm to the outside of the right knee.

There will be an internal rotation of the left shoulder, the torso will be then be twisting facing backward.

Bring your right arm in the back, and grab from the left hand your right fingers or wrist (depend of the flexibility).

How to prepare the posture

Before going into Marichyasana D, it is important to work the hips opening, the flexibility of the shoulder and the twisting rotation from the torso.

a) All stand up asana twisting (Trikonasana B, Parshvakonasana B, Parivritta Utkatasana).

b) Prasaritta Padotanasana a, B, C (for shoulders) and D.

c) Garudasana

d) Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

e) Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana

f) Janu Shirshasana Series

g) Tri Anga Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana

h) Gomukasana


As from all twisting poses, Marichyasana D gives a massage to the internal organs, help avoiding constipation, give flexibility to the spine, opens the upper body.

It is also a very good preparation for all backbends.

Have a good Practice!
