Seated yoga pose. Forward fold, hips and shoulder opener.

Level : Intermediate.

From Dandasana, bring the left knee in half lotus. Place the left foot toward or higher of the right groin.

Fold at the right knee and bring it toward the right shoulder. Right foot flat on the floor.

Wrap the right arm, starting below the right knee, behind your back. 

For better « wrapping » try to bring the right arm pit against the inner side of the right knee. It will help the internal rotation of the humerus bone. 

Better to do it with a rounding back.

Push the right shoulder front.

Bring the left arm toward your back.

With the right hand grab the left fingers or the left wrist.

Bring the torso forward. Chin on the floor if not forehead toward the floor. In both case it is nasagra dristhi (gaze of focus is the nose).

If half padmasana is not possible, there is a variation. Bring your left foot, sole of the foot facing up, toward the right sit bone. Place the right foot in front of the left ankle.

If you can not bind, use a yoga belt.

Getting flexibility with the shoulders

You can practice these following postures in order to bring more flexibility to the shoulders.

  1. Garudasana
  2. Prasaritta Padotanasana B & C
  3. Parshvatanasana
  4. Virabhadrasana I
  5. Utktasana
  6. Gomukasana
  7. Dhanurasana

Why are we catching the wrist?

First of all, because there is a good flexibility.

But traditionally, yogis used to check their pulse while doing asana.

They are also activating the Bandas. Please note in order to activate the Bandhas « for real », a retention is necessary. Therefore there is no breathing as a Kumbhka will take place.

Everything that we are doing when we are using the pelvic floor (Mula Bandha), or contracting core muscles (Uddiyana Bandha), are a preparation to the practice of Bandhas.

It takes time.

However, even you are not checking your pulse, you can still grab your wrist if flexibility allowed it.

The Actions

Right foot is pressing against the floor and forward.

Right arm is pressing against the knee as the knee is pressing against it.

The more we will give « intention » into the asana, the more efficient it will be.

Without any action, nothing will happen.

The hand holding the wrist (or fingers) is also lengthening the arms backward.

The upper body want to move forward.

It is like using a « bow ».

Creating a resistance between the front and the back.

Have a good Practice,
